Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Thanks to many and Dad's Stories

         First, I really would like to thank some people for helping me get this started. I have been contacting folks in order to get this thing going.  It is my goal put the many stories dad told in print.  I know lots of folks were a little taken by some of the things dad claimed and things he said.  I plan on validating and document many of them. Richard Park's has been so helpful in my endeavor to create this biography and to help me document my fathers’ accomplishments. 

         Richard was the first person who kindly wrote back when I emailed him asking a question. I was fumbling along with this project.  He has given me valuable advice and encouragement. And he has published my rambling on his the website. I have since found some valuable books and information.  He is the editor of the Land Speed Racing Newsletter which is documenting the history of drag racing and the pioneers.  He published a couple of our communications in his Newsletters 101, 102 and 103.  From his initial help,  I learned about a trip he with dad to Bonneville. He was present the day my brother Sonny died in the crash on that day on May 7th 1995.  Reading his takes on the day has added perspective to my views.  He connected me to many other folks that have since helped me get going on this web log.  This thing has a life of its own now.      

Thank you Richard.

Please check out the following newsletters for the communications between Richard and I.

Land Speed Racing Newsletter 101

Land Speed Racing Newsletter 102

Land Speed Racing Newsletter 103


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About Me

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San Diego, CA, United States
I was born and raised in San Diego, CA. I spent my early week-ends going to the drags with Mom, Dad and my brother Sonny. We mostly went to the Paradise Mesa Drags. No pit passes back then We were free to go to the starting line and watch them push start my dad's cars. We would run all around the surrounding canyons and had lots of freedom. My mom would bring Beans, Rice and tortillas which we all ate for lunch..