Thursday, April 16, 2015

These are some pictures I like and finally posted...
Joaquin's Card

Joaquin working on engine Bonneville, love his beautiful hair...

Jeff Arnett at Bonneville..with a smile :)

Jeff Arnett at Bonneville..

Bonneville streamliner- Jeff, Emanuel & Pat at Bonneville..

this pic is the bean bandits, Viola, Joaquin & Sonny Arnett in center.. 

This is another group of the guys

ON the Left is Sonny & Joaquin Arnett and ??,    ON right is Dad Sonny 1990 dan H house

Fabian,Rich Lux, Arron, Rene, Diane

Wayne Finley, Joaquin and Sonny Arnett ( thanks to SDRC)
Bean Bandit reunion with older Bandits and young ones.  Jeff Arnett in the front center..
thanks for photo Roger Rohrdanz

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am looking to buy a JR Dragster for my son. How would I go about getting permission to represent BEAN BANDITS on his car. please contact me at


About Me

My photo
San Diego, CA, United States
I was born and raised in San Diego, CA. I spent my early week-ends going to the drags with Mom, Dad and my brother Sonny. We mostly went to the Paradise Mesa Drags. No pit passes back then We were free to go to the starting line and watch them push start my dad's cars. We would run all around the surrounding canyons and had lots of freedom. My mom would bring Beans, Rice and tortillas which we all ate for lunch..