These are some pictures I like and finally posted...
Joaquin's Card
Joaquin working on engine Bonneville, love his beautiful hair...
Jeff Arnett at Bonneville..with a smile :)
Jeff Arnett at Bonneville..
Bonneville streamliner- Jeff, Emanuel & Pat at Bonneville..
this pic is the bean bandits, Viola, Joaquin & Sonny Arnett in center..
This is another group of the guys
ON the Left is Sonny & Joaquin Arnett and ??, ON right is Dad Sonny 1990 dan H house
Fabian,Rich Lux, Arron, Rene, Diane
Wayne Finley, Joaquin and Sonny Arnett ( thanks to SDRC)
Bean Bandit reunion with older Bandits and young ones. Jeff Arnett in the front center..
thanks for photo Roger Rohrdanz
Hi, I am looking to buy a JR Dragster for my son. How would I go about getting permission to represent BEAN BANDITS on his car. please contact me at